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Otakar Almatir Jaluvka – research and practical use of esoterics

Esoterics - cosmic energy and harnessing in businesslike life

Cosmic energy is endless beef, that powered by all over outer space

Customer is by it, what live through and spiritually, are accordingly appearance with physical body

Cosmic energy do not only initiates birth fresh galaxy and persuades planets and greats on their rails, but governed by also also billions sentinel node in our bodies. This body to be composed for large quantity, blood, scrag and by other authorities to, which see, and as to can be functional as one complex and it was bouncy, is his basis appearance, which all governed by.

Customer is by it, what experience spiritually, are accordingly appearance with physical body. Architect outer space and created page are one complex, as comprehensive form of cosmic energy. Scientifically is disproving, as though energy and clay are each other alienable and commutable.

Cosmic energy is ours transfinite mine of and endless furniture animality, inspiration, creative brainchild and fortune, that leads to filled and fortunate life. Cosmic energy never are not causation diseases, absence or by other building restriction. All difficulties are caused ignorance, defective verdict thinking, impassivity or bad election.


cosmic energy, pentagram, esotericism, psychotronic, astrology, biotronic, healing, energy


Cosmic energy is mine of your haleness and accomplishment

Outside world also our internal enjoyment are projections our internal intellectual visions

Anything yourself imagine and heartfeld as authenticity, it is actually step foot matter. Everyone is entitled have all, what it needs for fortunate and filled bare life. All it is dependent on intensity fantasia and on the beef imaginations, no on environmental decontamination factor.

In each customer is at cover indefatigable mine of transfinite possibilities. Who is well science those driving creative forces and their may fashion outside world, may begin their aches accomplish, as far will fruitfully be exploiting imagination. If they do put in tune on cycles per minute endless life, loves and philosophy, his exigencies and ambition he accomplish.

Beef cosmic energy militates miracles. Ideas shall they creative beef, thus it, what do you think about himself also about by other, so can it produces in his ain life. Internal language has to be always according to of your environment objective of or wish. Afterward with of yours internal language zeigen on the outside and of yours ambition accomplish.




Cosmic energy is fresh driving mine of of your creation

When will be after any creative idea, of yours inner space always react against

Have fantasia entails be able constitute in one's mind's eye images or fantasies something fresh, what her for of yours effect anymore does not exist. Theirs ready fashion, end point, complete design it or in spirit soft experience films bag and baggage, complete page.

After this manner formed inner space can be off hulking flush cosmic beef and desirable beef to implementation his blueprint. Can be accorded perhaps expert brainchild under meg.

Mine of cosmic forces opens any time this, who being on the him address oneself. Giver cosmic beef chores for you and all the your pleasure shall be made according his driving. All purpose clergy and intellectual laws never no fail.


cosmic energy, esoterics, bioenergy, astroenergy, healing, energy


For all good also malignant can be bound of yours inner space

Of yours inner space governed by yours accomplishment or abortion

It, what decides how about creates next coherent ideas how about militates practicals alternations is inner space, far from it logical awareness. Should therefore be reprogram of yours thinking on above standard fortune or on the anything other, what do you wish. Only heavy thinking can achieve fortune.

Beyond the pale ideas transmitted for parents, akin, guru, media and the like. On their afterward directive as well, as though theirs brains contain beyond the pale information, which is reduces or even also jam in theirs achievement development. Amount and quality of your accomplishment is influenced by amount and quality application in of yours inner space.


Inner space has creative ability to and reveal it, what him awareness burn

Internal conversation, intellectual images and imagination come into the limelight anyone your pleasure. Beliefs about accomplishment step foot matter, any more than anyone ambition, which be taking such, as if already was met. Anyone ambition, which be taking such, as if already was met, to have so step foot matter.

Beans brass, accomplishment, health and anything are intellectual fantasies and of yours internal language is realize. Ceaseless repetition definition desired status with these burn in for inner space and consequently with also as good as realize. Herewith principle and autosuggestion arise also diseases and healing.

Inner space accepts for conflicting ideas always only this for intellectual company image, that's preponderating. As far is midst ambition and ideation interworking conflict, always be victorious ideation. Accordingly has to be thinking and sentiment dominant, accord in and be of no antilogy.


Best forms inner space before bed and just after awakening

All that time is inner space in a state of drowsiness and is the capable of accept fancied images, at the same time abient ideas of your critical awareness are pocket on minimum. In this status believe, speak and act such, as if you it, what i wished, already had and realistically it live through, rub one's hand.

Advancement begins by you full of. Are by it, what after most of the day do you mean. Customer must all’s it, that would want have, be in possession of at first in one's mind's eye, because there be enacted all bargain. Anyone of yours idea of directed to action and the expression. All, what sort out, is to you given and will it have.




Deadlock and blogs fount cosmic energy

Abient, insalubrious and depressive ideas eliminate cosmic energy away

When do you mean negatively, flush cosmic energy in of yours inner space block in, begins discover her absence and occur difficulties all sorts of build.

Inner space promptly reacts on of yours ideas and fantasies accompanied abient heart. Is it a intellectual drug, which past ground feed of yours animality, mettle, elan and beef and reduces all over yours organism. Believe positively and yours organism will thrive.

Fortune and bounteousness is ideas of your spirit, is it a clergy attitude, attitude of mind, intellectual company image and imagination in of yours spirit. Fortune and bounteousness entails have all along fresh flood tide beef, accomplishment, haleness, cess, joys, peace and of all good and comfortable in life.


Removal apartment building for fount cosmic energy

How customer thinks, such is

Many by people with go badly accordingly, as though to free motion former adventure and experiences shall they guilt, sufferers selfcritisism, selfcondemn and unaware by it ourself herself correct. Selfwithdrawal them will cess, peace and bare life brimful of inroads. Forgive entails carry off clergy concert and peace of mind. Forgive ourself himself under abient ideas and of yours foretime will be forgotten.

You no criticize and no deprecate second childhood. Criticism is censoriuos second by people and relates self critisism. Contemptuousness second is actually self contemptuousness. Others in the neighbourhood subconsciously these of yours poses capture. You no condemn, because with ourself tent by it, what your condemn. Stop it on second carp and wish them concert and peace.

You deprive with detestation and irish, place its amigo no freedom. From let go entails dispense to by people cupboard love, act of kidness and peace and be desirous them in life the top banana, You emmiting pertaining to them ceaseless flush loves and carry off by it intellectual, clergy and physical coziness for himself.

Begrudge second entails deny to himself full of good and become poor. Begrudge entails be wasting its by and by and be responsible for damagingly on its ain flush times. Envy past fly up second childhood and herself by it damaging to. Envy under ligament yours endless flush good. Endless mine of fortune can to satisfy needs all.

Live not in lies and deprive with abient applied load, which at you militates destructively. You no put above barriers to for roads another by people. Stop it sin. Opens its air hose valve and their hearts flood tide cosmic beef and loves, that clear away all, what her resembles not.

You no contest a self statement their affirmation, because full word "can he not" causes apartment building desirable flush. You join on being on the mine of cosmic energy and engrave his or alien inner space concept haleness, fortune, cess, accomplishment, flush times and the like. Common experience imagination in one's mind's eye with these of yours fantasies consequently realize.


cosmic energy, healing, occultism, astrology, esoteric matters


Work with cosmic energy is homely and are not in terms of time ambitious

Your pleasure has to be concrete and accurately accordingly, what want acquire

Of yours internal beliefs and fantasies air hose valve, that he you have it, what do you wish, repeat 5 min morning and ago sleep, abreast with about it you no doubt and idea burn in for inner space. Important is it a, what dominate in of your keep thinking - kindness, cupboard love, accomplishment, bounteousness, miracles, animality, the pink of health. It, in what do you believe in his very heart of deepest, it is zeigen also in of yours life as.

In of yours life as should dominate appearance ceaseless withdrawal, and accordingly giving. Abient ideas acting affirmative, concordant. What do you think about second how about do you want second, it creates in his ain bodies, in his status, in his being and in the their enjoyment.

You adjust yourself their aims, had is in view and you work on their achieving. Blindingly you defines aims and clearly be upgrading images blindingly constituted in air hose valve. You concentrate at them its attentiveness, epitomize fill them, see by aims and rub one's hand.


Examples of your ambition be repeated 5 min morning and ago sleep:

Has hinterland according to their imagine and needs as, full freedom and freedom. has all’s, what be in need of to brimful of life - mine of fruit, absolute haleness, beef, good luck, accomplishment, custom etc.

Day to day with my deals ameliorate. day to day make money more beans brass. Advance all along above. Day to day is coming more contented and fortunate client, who me like to and lief pays. My gains with all the time be mounting and be able to also dispense to on charity.

In my life at ease be streaming beans brass, is them bounteousness and bringing in enjoyment. Economically also otherwise i this well. Are moneyed, become stronger, has accomplishment, beans brass to me at ease gas. Beans brass be using sagely, all his marbles and advantageously.

Be streaming by me cosmic energy and are brimful of peace, concert, forces and animality, are all ends up hale, entire and consummate. Has custom and relations with by people coextensive mentality also acts, has ideal easy rider etc.

Since this instant for candid hearts: dispense to, wish, has all, live completely, knows, be batty over, thankee under ... – you here yourself appoint it, what ourself want how about most you need to.

And never do not forget express one's thanks.


Path to of your entirety and excellency:

From return with as from graceless environmental company image their trouble or symptoms diseases.

You think about god for highest point of view and divine cupboard love and concert let through a of your beings.

You experience, how endless beef cosmic beef inform by every atom of your beings and about and about renews entirety, beauty and excellency.


Make a practice hereof arithmetic process will be streaming cosmic beef and subconsciously will attend to consummate answer. Exert effort acquire complex emancipation thanksgiving in for its backwash.




Healing and therapies by dint of cosmic energy

Cosmic energy has leaning and abilities attend and convalesce

Diseases are act abient clergy attitudes and functioning abient beef. Affirmative and concordant ideas peace and loves again windlass haleness. Is scientifically disproving, as though clergy, intellectual and emotional conflicts are close to the vest causes all sorts of status and baneful disease.

Principle cosmic energy is leaning convalesce, be recovering, safeguard, carry on by health and hold open good for health. Intellectual company image aims as imagination and deep heart contributed for ambition mobilize in inpatient drugs beef. Believe, accept it and you realize yourself, that you are completely consummate haleness, beef and forces. this demand step foot custom and complete.


Cosmic energy is endless healing beef, of which is omnipotent

Everybody is ability to learn how to mobilize her medical laws. Must infiltration this believe. Anyone can contact with source endless cosmic energy and thus also attend diseases or solve all sorts of difficulties. Anyone can experience miracles assertion healing possibility cosmic beef alone wearing to second, even remotely.

Course everybody's healing be in progress according to the trust patient or that, who him attend and on the his concept animality and consummate haleness. Inner space is creative ability to in each and set effect only it, what him awareness pressed. after this manner arise acute disease also marvelous healing.


Inner space introduces creative medium and curer bodies

It, what awareness burn in for inner space, it inner space faithfully and for a certainty take place in life as according to the this, what is our trust.

Each authority is bodies is god created idea of, in its basis is clergy substance, although it is concrete. Clay is formed appearance, which this clay dominates and bring back to life.

Basis of treatment cosmic energy it is often be repeated and believe, as though diseased agency is intellectual concept and impeccably behaves.




Healing herself by dint of cosmic energy

Procedure at clergy and intellectual healing herself

Being regularly, systematically and consciously be repeated 5 min morning and ago sleep as though by you be streaming cosmic beef for fount endless healing forces in form concert, animality and entirety and with recovers and at haleness. Place this deep emotional enjoyment.

You laudation drugs beef and flush cosmic energy, herewith avast breeding all toxins and will support healing law suit.

Epitomize, how goes and did all things such, as if you already was haleness. Flush haleness permeate a of your beings, bring back to life, cures and harmonize.


Healing other peoples by dint of cosmic energy

Procedure at clergy and intellectual healing second

Ignore symptoms diseases and of all physical and not had of them anxiety.

You know, as though status diseased is aftereffect his abient thinking and believe, that it will in early time diseases disenfranchised. Had bright weather visions his brimful of health and place this deep emotional enjoyment.

You laudable drugs beef and flush cosmic energy in diseased, herewith avast breeding all toxins in his bodies and will support and speed up medical law suit.


Healing by dint of cosmic energy remotely

In one's mind's eye does not exist time and space, cosmic energies is omnipresent

Midst personalities in does not exist any solid separating ambit, because subjectively are all drug and inner space does not know time once space, accordingly anyone can capture of yours ideas. By healing remotely it can be have office hours inner space diseased such, as if was of yours ain.

By it, as though do you mean on someone second, exits effect of for of your awareness and relays over inner space admitting diseased, which can prescribe, as if was of yours ain and findings with enter an appearance according of your eddies and of your beliefs.


Procedure at clergy and intellectual healing remotely

Want-if aid the latter, plunge into herself, apperceive entirety, beauty, animality, brainpower and much divine and be saying, as though all’s, what conforms god, conforms also him and he behind live implementation that, what feels and what do you believe.

Ironic on physical symptoms diseased, but on his clergy being and on the now god and healing energy in his core.

Want in deep beliefs, as to body loves, concert, entirety and animality for fount cosmic energy reanimated, has strengthened, cured and again on legs built treated person for which does prayer. Into place this deep emotional enjoyment.

Epitomize this person of such, what should be - fortunate, entire, full of life and absolutely hale and rub one's hand from that. Yours intellectual company image has to be always according to of your orison and findings with enter an appearance according forces of your eddies.


cosmic energy, esotericism, astrology, healing, therapy


Warning about potential risks and problems with energy and similar activities

Every normal person (or animal or plant) has given a certain amount of energy throughout his life just for his existence, and if he manages to distribute it to others, he must logically expect to sooner or later get into the situation, when this energy is not enough for his own needs and problems arise. You may initially have the same effect by having nothing to give away and stagnating. If he does not realize the danger that can arise in time due to the high fatigue, the loss of all the forces and the manifestations of various diseases, he can finally reach the point where he will no longer be able to supplement this energy - recharge, he will not have enough strength to rescue himself, and can not do without any help. This situation can occur if the energy is mistaken.

If you use and distribute your energy, you will logically miss it if you do not replenish it adequately, so recharge it. It is like money, which is also a form of energy, because it is also necessary to spend more or less of energy on it by repeating it, for example, by hard manual or mental work. No bank or banker is using to invest their personal money, but the money of the clients who entrusted them and who are left to them. Therefore, you, if possible, do not use your most valuable personal - vital energy for your business. But the quantity and quality of your personal - vital energy can be supplemented by other sources (nature - plants, trees, animals, other people, reconnection, movement, pharmacies, etc.).

There are more ways to work with energies, which in practice are most often used in two ways - namely, working with own energy and working with foreign sources of energy. Your personal energy is your own - vital energy (resulting from transformation from food, water, air and light), and alien sources can be, in particular, cosmic - cosmic energy (cosmic cosmos), astral energy (cosmic body energy (such as Sun, Moon, Venus, etc.) and, last but not least, Earth energy (so-called geoenergy). These energy sources can passively contain their specific energy, actively radiate, or both. However, work with alien energy is demanding and so exhausts our own energy as well.




With different energies, they can work differently and purposefully and use them for different purposes (to heal, to displace negative energy, to charge and recharge, to telepathy, to various kinetic manifestations, or otherwise). These different forms of energy have different quality, quantity and content, and can be aggregated or densified, transformed, modulated and transported, and even with some energies, under certain conditions, they can be manipulated independently of space and time. There is nothing new because the Energy Conservation Act is one of the basic and most commonly used physical laws. This law (in simple terms) states that energy can not be produced or destroyed, but only transformed into another kind of energy.


The psyche of man and the potential of the human brain (both hemispheres) are ready to work with energy and subconscious mind, however, in the event of longer-term activity, it is exhausting and there is a risk of congestion with all its consequences and consequences. This activity is not suitable for everyone, it requires preparedness and an exercise-acquired ability to manage these activities for an extended period without harm.

It is therefore necessary to seriously reflect on what energy, why and how we work and whether we do not use a disproportionate amount of our personal energy to our activities, which may be the cause of our exhaustion. This is a great deal to be wary of, because too much exhaustion of your personal - vital energy can lead to the extinction of our vitality and, in the extreme, our life. In this case, it may be appropriate to stop or stop these activities for a while if our condition does not improve and does not return to its original condition. It is worth mentioning whether our well-earned activity also has a certain income for us (a reward - a fee for help and activity) or not - in short, whether it is for us this activity so called profitability, be sitionary-if at all under this hazards, under our enervation and our post factum problems and difficulties.



The information provided on all pages of this website as well as in the referenced articles is not intended as a guideline due to its focus and is of a basic informative nature only. Therefore, they are not detailed, including details and good practice in their application, nor do they contain information on the existence of potential risks and their consequences.

The author of this website is not responsible for misunderstanding, use or misuse of its content, or for any damages and damages caused by imitating, improperly applying or improperly practicing all of the activities listed herein, including use of the information presented and described on this site and in all referenced author articles.

The author of this website is not responsible for the accuracy, validity or completeness of the content posted on this website and in the referenced articles and under no circumstances is the author of this website liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages or expenses or other damages in connection with the information contained on this site.




The advantage is a combination of authorial, innovative and esoteric activities

The combination of several activities and their simultaneous implementation by one entity is more advantageous


Simultaneous implementation of multiple activities from multiple areas and disciplines by one entity guarantees their synergy, originality, exclusivity, speed of solution, time and cost savings, direct personal and informal communication and maximum discretion.

New, unconventional and original creative ideas, visions, know-how, innovations and solutions can help solve every problem. All these activities can be realized in a relatively short time depending on their complexity. Possibility of one-off and long-term cooperation.

It is proven that nothing is perfect and that the current solution or novelty on the market is already obsolete and can be improved at any time. Everything can be done and solved better, faster, more simply, cheaply and more effectively. It rests you to decide.



In the case of interest in the use of the above-mentioned activities or any other assistance, personal communication is usually necessary, depending on the nature of this activity. This does not apply to online psychotherapy, email consultation and immediate online therapy.

It is not possible to provide advice, consultation, quick help or the solution of any other problems over the phone and the Internet due to time, practical and other reasons. Matters of this type are usually dealt with personally and discreetly.




"Ideation is more important before attainment. Attainment are of limited, whilst ideation encloses all the world, stokes advancement, gives geniture developments." (Albert Einstein)

"It all have knowledge of, that it is anything impossible and has then they appear a basket case, which doesn't know, that this is impossible and come it strong device." (Albert Einstein)

"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of thinking at which they arose." (Albert Einstein)




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Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. Index.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka – autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Píši jakékoli texty, kreativně a inovativně řeším problémy, zkoumám a prakticky využívám parapsychologii, psychotroniku, okultismus a esoteriku. Blog.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. Tvorba   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. Ukázky   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. Kontakt   Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. Author.   Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. I write any texts, I solve problems creatively and innovatively, I research and practically use parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. Blogg.   Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. - Creation   Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. - Samples   Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. - Contact   Opposition - opposition procedure - opposed - opponent   Innovation - innovating - means - aims - findings   Know-how - designs - development - solution   Improvement proposal - solution   Patents - utility designs - protect   Reserve funds - budget solution - economy drive - new source of savings   New way solution hidden trouble communities and companies   Oponentura, oponování, oponent   Inovace a inovování   Know-how, řešení, ochrana know-how, utajení   Zlepšovací návrhy a zlepšování   Patenty - užitné vzory - ochrany   Úspory - úsporné řešení - úsporné opatření - nové zdroje úspor   Nová metoda řešení skrytých problémů společností a firem   Esoterics - Clairvoyance, Divination, astrology, Tarot card   Esoterics - Cosmic energy - healing and therapy in businesslike life   Esoterics - Healing and therapies, biotronic, working with energies, zones   Esoterics - Occultism, spiritism, white and black magic, voodoo, ban, mystery   Esoterics - Parapsychology - ESP - extra sensory perception - unconscious - trance   Esoterics - parapsychology ESP, Clairvoyance and Divination, Healing and therapy, medicine man, occultism, spiritism, magic   Esoterika - astrologie, jasnovidectví, věštění, výklad karet Tarot   Esoterika - Kosmická energie a její využití v praktickém životě   Esoterika - Léčitelství a terapie, biotronika, práce s energiemi   Esoterika - Okultismus, spiritismus, bílá a černá magie, voodoo, záhady   Parapsychologie - ESP - mimosmyslové vnímání - transcendence - podvědomí - trans   Esoterika - psychotronika, parapsychologie, ESP, jasnovidectví, léčitelství, biotronika, okultismus, spiritismus, magie   Sponzorování a sponzorství – výhody a možnosti investování do sponzoringu   Sponsoring and sponsorship - benefits and possi investing in sponsorship   Otakar Jalůvka prodává super auto velmi levně  Otakar Jaluvka sells super car very cheap video clip story  Mr.Silver - video klip disko hudba tanec   Mr.Silver - video clip disco music dance   Materiál s desinfekčním účinkem   Hlavice holicího strojku pro holení více směry   Zařízení k monitoringu, detekci a diagnostice drážních vozidel a jejich komponentů za jízdy   Material with desinfection effect   Warheads shaver machine tool for shin any more directions   Apparatus to monitoring, detection and diagnostics rail vehicle and their components on the run   sitemap.xml   sitemap-image.xml   sitemap-video.xml   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author, writer, innovator, parapsychologist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology and esoterics.   Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author, writer, innovator, parapsychologist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology and esoterics.   Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author, writer, innovator, parapsychologist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology and esoterics.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Know-how - Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Oponentura a oponování - Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Esoterika, Psychotronika, Parapsychologie, ESP, jasnovidectví, léčitelství a terapie, okultismus, magie. Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics.