Otakar Almatir Jaluvka – innovations & innovative problem solving
New way solution hidden trouble communities and companies
"Insight from outside" is how solution hidden trouble communities and companies
My project "Insight from outside" is authentic, quick realizable and extremely effective how, that has under aim disclosure and removal all sorts of hidden trouble and difficulties communities, companies also other entities. Attainment insight from outside is announcement letter portfolios likely achievement solution, and this frequently also without the need by other additional cargo and investment and benefiting current capacities, apparatus also personne.
This how is based on the principle harnessing equal and an independent insight from outside, on distance and top wiew, free of about so called professional deformations and professional blindness, as the case may be functional blindness, on equal and independent goods analysis thereof, on that, that nothing is perfect and all goes through ceaseless continuous process of developments, on facts, as though always founds solution, if they do actually he is wanted, further on actualities, as though any more head any more knows and have also do not only on my aged practice it and acquaintance for different branch and areas fabrication, bargain, of services also business enterprise.
Is disproving, as though insight from outside can bewray many, what stays internal insight hid and in his aftereffect registered announcement letter portfolios design, brainchild, solution, change and adaptation has after theirs post factum administration in practice have in the bag guarantee fruitfulness.
My insight from outside directly implements engineered solutions
Advantage of and priority my model "Insight from outside" against by others consultancy entities in the area board of management consulting is in Czech republic first and alone contingency actual harnessing do not only projecting, but abreast with also executions concrete registered engineering adaptation and innovative betterment, enriched perhaps perhaps even about fresh patents, utility and industrial designs and the like, which effect applicat administration those methods in practice multiplies.
Assertion "of my insight from outside" consisting as necessary in reticent consultations and in the studios clean cloth, in following in ground space even business, in admeasurement, in marketing background research, in calculations, further after in analysis thereof status and disclosure causation trouble and consequently in option is selected proposal change, adaptation and innovations (eg. augmentation or change assortment, restructure, specialisation, communication, optimization web presentation SEO, adequate advertising and promotion, mode switching and conditions distribution, part engineering and constructional alterations product, improvement, oversimplification processes, alterations achievement, parameter, making, styling, clean cloth, casing, fresh patents, utility designs also industrial designs, licence and the like), which would combined with design appropriate to next philosophy have had aid contribute to fast removal causation trouble, betterment status, pop. deterrence hazards danger or by other call blocking.
Nonsubjective causes trouble can be development and change circumstance in the market, rise in prices and cargo, conditions, effect crisis, effect of competition and the like, these albeit cannot directly exert influence up, but can them applicably acclimate oneself. By contraries attitudinal causes trouble can be as for example noneffective cables (disinclination or an inability to comply fresh conditions, few creative board of management, functional blindness, bad addiction and long customs, bad habit and complexes), aged methods, breeding and goings, as useless as a fifth wheel complexity, costliness and engineering obsoleteness product, uncompetitiveness, dead law web presentation and the like, as well additional hinzugefügt too busyness ain acitivities and cogitation beyond contingency betterment or perpetuation, further so called. professional deformations and professional blindness, functional blindness, absence time, inflation pressure, accountability, stress, capacity utilization, adaptation etc. This all also lot more is necessary bewray, name and attempt be changed by, this all it is completely in our power!
"Insight from outside" is like how detection hidden trouble meaningful
This how for different nonsubjective and us unswayed causation albeit cannot ensure always accomplishment on 100 %, but but can thanks to autonomous adjudication and analysis thereof aid objectively, out of all show, sentimentality, vanity and self deceptively discreetly bewray and name causes birth trouble, may help catch napping basis and conjecture and actualize appropriate to alternations, solution, ideas and alterations, find adequate philosophy and aid conjecture post factum for a short term, medium term also forward loading.
For these reasons is has version "insight from outside" meaningful and administration and harnessing in practice can be maximally advantageous and beneficial. Case in the case of any trouble is anyone all right advice above rubies and by business enterprise also any other weighing charge activities it pays twice. And pays it do not only case in the case of trouble and perpetuation, but before i inauguration any commercial activities and projects. At the same time price of such service in case finding achievement solution can make sheer tiny fraction of against degree and fruit, which this "insight from outside" may bring. And this assuredly stands out for consideration.
Author of it is i implementer design and cooperates with a number of innovational centres and next innovators.
The advantage is a combination of authorial, innovative and esoteric activities
The combination of several activities and their simultaneous implementation by one entity is more advantageous
Simultaneous implementation of multiple activities from multiple areas and disciplines by one entity guarantees their synergy, originality, exclusivity, speed of solution, time and cost savings, direct personal and informal communication and maximum discretion.
New, unconventional and original creative ideas, visions, know-how, innovations and solutions can help solve every problem. All these activities can be realized in a relatively short time depending on their complexity. Possibility of one-off and long-term cooperation.
It is proven that nothing is perfect and that the current solution or novelty on the market is already obsolete and can be improved at any time. Everything can be done and solved better, faster, more simply, cheaply and more effectively. It rests you to decide.
In the case of interest in the use of the above-mentioned activities or any other assistance, personal communication is usually necessary, depending on the nature of this activity. This does not apply to online psychotherapy, email consultation and immediate online therapy.
It is not possible to provide advice, consultation, quick help or the solution of any other problems over the phone and the Internet due to time, practical and other reasons. Matters of this type are usually dealt with personally and discreetly.
"Ideation is more important before attainment. Attainment are of limited, whilst ideation encloses all the world, stokes advancement, gives geniture developments." (Albert Einstein)
"It all have knowledge of, that it is anything impossible and has then they appear a basket case, which doesn't know, that this is impossible and come it strong device." (Albert Einstein)
"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of thinking at which they arose." (Albert Einstein)
Recomended articles and links
Artificial intelligence and its use to create works of art and inventions
Found the unpublished poem by Petr Bezruč
Where are you coming contemporary society
Beauty or what is beautiful and what is beautiful
Process apprehension, functioning and effects of creative creations on beholder
Prices paintings and by other creative creations and their evaluation
How best to sell the image and how to get the highest price for it
Insight from outside is how problem solving communities, companies and firms
Opponency - opposition procedure and businesslike executions opposed
Reserve funds - budget solution - economy measure - source of savings
How can you quickly achieve everything that has failed for a long time
What is important about innovating, innovations and the implementation innovations previse
Know-how - development, solution and businesslike realization know-how
Improvement proposal - new ideas other improvement executions
Health is a normal state of the human being
Healing with energies - Practical healing and therapy with energies - Self-healing with energies
How to get rid of problems, stress and fear of cosmetic defects, several possible solutions
Healing - working with energies - bioenergetics - bioenergy action at instance
Cosmic energy and harnessing in businesslike life - healing and therapy
How to change the present - How to go back in time and change bad decisions and actions
The past and the future do not exist, is only the eternal presence
What all is in areas esoteric matters and parapsychology possible and documentary
Why, how and where to study esotericism, parapsychology or psychotronics successfully
Why official science (provisionally) recognize esoterics
Parapsychology - ESP - extra-sensory perception and transcendention
Clairvoyance and divination, foretelling the future and precognition
Occultism - spiritualism, white magic, black, magic, shamanism, voodoo
Scenarios - programmes, cine and other scenarios
Texts - music texts and texts songs
Poetry - formal minimalism
Slogans - advertising and promotional mottoes
Articles - expert articles and other texts
Projects - samples solution various problems
uv023408 - Materials with desinfection effects
uv023600 - Warheads shaver for sticks more direction
uv023860 - Equipments to monitoring, detection and diagnostics rails vehicles and their component during journey
Sponsoring and sponsorship - benefits and possi investing in sponsorship
+420 608 665 185
Copyright © 2003-2024 Otakar Jalůvka. All rights reserved. Všechna práva vyhrazena.VEHUIAH
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Index.
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka – autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Píši jakékoli texty, kreativně a inovativně řeším problémy, zkoumám a prakticky využívám parapsychologii, psychotroniku, okultismus a esoteriku. https://www.jaluvka.com/blog.htm Blog.
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Tvorba
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Ukázky
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Kontakt
Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm Author.
Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. I write any texts, I solve problems creatively and innovatively, I research and practically use parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/blogg.htm Blogg.
Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm - Creation
Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm - Samples
Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm - Contact
Opposition - opposition procedure - opposed - opponent
Innovation - innovating - means - aims - findings
Know-how - designs - development - solution
Improvement proposal - solution
Patents - utility designs - protect
Reserve funds - budget solution - economy drive - new source of savings
New way solution hidden trouble communities and companies
Oponentura, oponování, oponent
Inovace a inovování
Know-how, řešení, ochrana know-how, utajení
Zlepšovací návrhy a zlepšování
Patenty - užitné vzory - ochrany
Úspory - úsporné řešení - úsporné opatření - nové zdroje úspor
Nová metoda řešení skrytých problémů společností a firem
Esoterics - Clairvoyance, Divination, astrology, Tarot card
Esoterics - Cosmic energy - healing and therapy in businesslike life
Esoterics - Healing and therapies, biotronic, working with energies, zones
Esoterics - Occultism, spiritism, white and black magic, voodoo, ban, mystery
Esoterics - Parapsychology - ESP - extra sensory perception - unconscious - trance
Esoterics - parapsychology ESP, Clairvoyance and Divination, Healing and therapy, medicine man, occultism, spiritism, magic
Esoterika - astrologie, jasnovidectví, věštění, výklad karet Tarot
Esoterika - Kosmická energie a její využití v praktickém životě
Esoterika - Léčitelství a terapie, biotronika, práce s energiemi
Esoterika - Okultismus, spiritismus, bílá a černá magie, voodoo, záhady
Parapsychologie - ESP - mimosmyslové vnímání - transcendence - podvědomí - trans
Esoterika - psychotronika, parapsychologie, ESP, jasnovidectví, léčitelství, biotronika, okultismus, spiritismus, magie
Sponzorování a sponzorství – výhody a možnosti investování do sponzoringu
Sponsoring and sponsorship - benefits and possi investing in sponsorship
Otakar Jalůvka prodává super auto velmi levně
Otakar Jaluvka sells super car very cheap video clip story
Mr.Silver - video klip disko hudba tanec
Mr.Silver - video clip disco music dance
Materiál s desinfekčním účinkem
Hlavice holicího strojku pro holení více směry
Zařízení k monitoringu, detekci a diagnostice drážních vozidel a jejich komponentů za jízdy
Material with desinfection effect
Warheads shaver machine tool for shin any more directions
Apparatus to monitoring, detection and diagnostics rail vehicle and their components on the run
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author, writer, innovator, parapsychologist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm
Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author, writer, innovator, parapsychologist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm
Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author, writer, innovator, parapsychologist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Know-how - Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Oponentura a oponování - Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Esoterika, Psychotronika, Parapsychologie, ESP, jasnovidectví, léčitelství a terapie, okultismus, magie. Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com
Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm